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Oud 23 juni 2009, 12:22
Lailaatje Lailaatje is offline
Geregistreerd: 23 juni 2009
Berichten: 1
Lailaatje is on a distinguished road
Standaard Engelse Sollicitatie: Product Marketing Manager

Hallo allemaal,

Zouden jullie je feedback willen geven op onderstaande brief? Het zou me echt enorm helpen...hartleijk dank!!!


Dear Hiring Manager,

This letter is to express my interest in discussing the product marketing manager position posted on the XXX website. The opportunity presented in this listing is very appealing, and I believe that my experience and education will make me a competitive candidate for this position.

After graduating from the XXX University in Business Administration I started working for XXX as a Marketing trainee and a Product Marketing Manager for (Product XXX and XXX). As a Product Manager I was responsible for market share growth in revenue but also in units for the Dutch Market. Based on a deep analysis of the market, the product and our customers we created various effective marketing campaigns. Another responsibility was generating Marketing Qualified Prospects through direct marketing and supporting the channel with the right recourses.

During my current job as a Customer Reference Manager I’m responsible for managing our reference program for our XXX products. The key strengths that I possess for success in my position are: providing exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers and striving for continued excellence. You will find me to be well-spoken, energetic, confident, and personable, the type of person on whom your customers will rely.

I hope that you'll find my experience and interests intriguing enough to warrant a face-to-face meeting, as I am confident that I could provide value to you and your customers as a member of your team.

I can be reached anytime via my cell phone, +31 (0) 6 00 00 00 00. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

Met citaat reageren


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