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Oud 28 december 2019, 10:18
JohnHart JohnHart is offline
Geregistreerd: 4 januari 2016
Berichten: 130
JohnHart is on a distinguished road
Standaard European Investment Bank is hiring a Group Chief Risk Officer (Luxembourg)

As GCRO, you will lead and manage the development, and continuous improvement, of the Group’s Risk Governance programme. You will also ensure the correct functioning of the EIB Group’s second line of defence, to identify, assess and mitigate both current and emerging, credit, financial, regulatory, operational, and compliance risks arising in the realisation of the EIB Group’s mission and policy goals

Operating network
Reporting to the EIB Management Committee (MC) under the oversight of the relevant MC member in charge of risk and compliance, you will participate in all MC meetings relating to matters within your terms of reference. You will have access to the Risk Policy Committee of the Board of Directors, participating in its meetings and submitting written contributions, if required. You will also communicate with the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee on any matter in your field of attribution, as necessary.

You will have line management responsibility for the EIB Chief Risk Officer (CRO), and for the Group Chief Compliance Officer, who will issue compliance related opinions on individual operations to the involved governing bodies. You will chair the Group Risk Steering Panel composed of representatives of EIB Group risk and compliance functions, including the EIF CRO, and the EIF will report to the EIB through you on EIB Group risk matters.


• Develop, maintain and improve the vision and strategy for EIB Group risk approach and policy, in conjunction with, and guided by, the EIB governing bodies and other senior management, and aligned with Best Banking Practices, to mitigate the risk taken by the EIB Group
• Build a robust risk management framework by advising the relevant EIB governing bodies on the different components of the EIB Group Risk Management Framework (GRMF), and proposing improvements and amendments where appropriate, including to the Group Risk Management Charter
• Guarantee a sufficient and appropriate second line of defence for all risk taking activities across the Bank
• Raise awareness of EIB Group risk, foster an effective risk and compliance culture across the Group, and create commitment to the Group Risk Management Framework, in order that risk assessment and control are sufficiently robust and adequate to fully support the Group’s strategic goals and all of its risk-taking activities
• Supervise and steer all EIB Group risks (both financial and non-financial) and ensure a consistent and effective implementation of the GRMF, and adherence to best banking practices, as related to risk management and applicable to the EIB on a consolidated basis
• Report on the risk exposure of the Group as an independent body towards the Board of Directors, Management Committee, Audit Committee and Bank’s shareholders
• Guarantee a harmonised approach to reporting on Group risks, in accordance with the GRMF
• Ensure the identification, quantification, aggregation, monitoring, and reporting of risks at a consolidated level
• Take responsibility for and lead the BCBS 239 Data Warehouse BBP project in relation to the aggregation and reporting of Group risk data
• Control the development and implementation of the strategy and policies of compliance risks of the EIB Group
• Establish, supervise and direct the required staff and non-staff resources in order to deliver the necessary risk assessment and control activities within the EIB Group
• Ensure that Risk Management and Compliance staff have the right competencies, goals, skills and motivation allowing them to implement and execute the formulated strategy and policies while delivering results by encouraging a development culture in support of the business perspectives
• Act as the interlocutor between the EIF CRO and the EIB Group for Group Risk matters
• Guide, supervise and validate the provision independent technical risk opinions to the EIB (MC and Board of Directors) and EIF governing bodies

Qualifications and requirements
• University degree (Master’s working and thinking level), preferably in Economics, Business or Finance
• Minimum 15 years of relevant professional experience in banking (preferably in more than one business area) with extensive knowledge of risk management activities and practices, regulatory requirements, financial markets and products
• Minimum 10 years in a managerial position, including at least 5 years’ experience heading a risk management function in a large banking institution or another comparable international or national public financial institution. Prior experience in or exposure to managing a compliance function would be an asset
• Highly developed risk management and analytical skills. Deep knowledge of risk analysis, database management, risk metrics, and capital management. Very good knowledge of internal control frameworks
• Experience working in an international environment would be an advantage
• Experience working for a public multilateral financial institution would be an advantage
• Understanding and knowledge of the EIB Group objectives, strategies, policies and processes or capability to acquire this
• Critical thinking and clarity of vision, sensitivity to business and political issues and sound judgement
• Creativity, openness to innovation and ability to support and manage change
• Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and public speaking skills
• Excellent knowledge of English and/or French and good command of the other language (*). Knowledge of other European Union languages would be an advantage

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