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Oud 29 april 2013, 22:20
FlorentiaD FlorentiaD is offline
Geregistreerd: 29 april 2013
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Standaard Motivatiebrief engels

Ik heb voor mijn studie een motivatiebrief gemaakt. Mijn studie is Engels dus moet ook een Engelse motivatiebrief alleen ze letten dus heel erg op je engels (logisch). Ik wil daarom ook geen fouten in me brief. Wil iemand mijn Engels controleren? Alvast heel erg bedankt !!!

(mijn gegevens)

xxxxx, 29 april 2013

Subject line: Application IMEM

Dear Sir/Madame,

The reason for writing this letter is because I am interested in the study International Media and Entertainment management.

My name is Cynthia xxxx and I am sixteen years old. Right now I am in the 5th year of higher general secondary education with the profile Economy & Society. My subjects are Dutch, English, Management & Organization, History, Biology, Math and Economics. I do not think school was hard. A lot of studying of course, but I can handle it.

I demand a lot of myself so I am determined to pass with a seven as my final grade. This is mostly because people stimulate me to get better. When people want something and really go for it, they also have influence on me. There is something about their determination that makes me want to say: I want to have a goal. Then the thinking started, what do I want to do with my life? I never really thought about it. Of course, there were those moments when you thought: Why can I not choose between all these jobs and studies? I hated it though. Not knowing what I wanted to do. I did a lot of research about studies and the school. I also went to a lot of open days. In the beginning it did not help because after everything I still did not know it. I just did not have that ‘wow’ feeling. Then the talking came, because I realized I could not do it myself and asked for help. The careers counselor and I made a list of things I liked and one of the studies that came out was International Media and Entertainment management. At first sight I never heard about it. Then I went to the open day of NHTV and then I knew it. I want this. I finally had that ‘wow’ feeling. That is what caught me. To make sure it was not temporarily I went to the orientation day of IMEM and again to the open day. I was right, it was not temporarily.

IMEM requires a lot of creativity and another way of thinking. Thinking out of the box. Also IMEM is like this large basic.
You have the knowledge about marketing about financing and it’s also a real creative study so you will learn things like working with Photoshop but in the end it’s aimed at management. I want to have that knowledge.

My drive for this study is the knowledge. I want to learn. I want to get better and better and keep learning. Especially about things I like. But the big question is, does this study really fits me? I really do love being creative and being in this whole fantasy world of mine. Visualizing every detail and wanting so badly to let it become reality. This might be the production/concept part. I also love being in control. Even though there’s a lot in my life I can’t control. I want to have control over the things I do. Knowing why I do things, when and how. I want to make sure every move I make is calculated but I also want to find the balance between following your heart and your mind. So my answer is yes, I think this study fits me.

I hope this letter convinced you of my motivation and I appreciate your time and effort and would like to thank you for considering my application.

Yours sincerely,
Cynthia xxxx
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Oud 29 april 2013, 22:41
Maarten_W Maarten_W is offline
Geregistreerd: 27 maart 2012
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Hallo Cynthia,

Lees eerst de forumregels, met name punt twee. Dit forum werkt alleen als het voor en door forumbezoekers gemaakt wordt. Dus feedback vragen is eerst feedback geven.
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Oud 29 april 2013, 22:52
FlorentiaD FlorentiaD is offline
Geregistreerd: 29 april 2013
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Ja maar als ik toch zelf niet weet hoe ik een goeie motivatiebrief schrijf, hoe moet ik dan andere helpen.. ?
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Oud 29 april 2013, 23:08
Maarten_W Maarten_W is offline
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Wellicht door de moeite te nemen jezelf in de materie te verdiepen? Deze website biedt een schat aan informatie. Lees brieven van anderen, leer ervan, deel jouw vers opgedane kennis met anderen.

Daarnaast kan je anderen ook helpen door taal-, schrijf- of typefouten te corrigeren. Dit kan je doen zonder iets van sollicitatiebrieven af te weten....
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Oud 1 mei 2013, 12:23
bkd bkd is offline
Geregistreerd: 8 april 2013
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Hallo Cynthia,

Ik heb je brief bekeken en mij viel op dat je brief meer een uiteenzetting is over hoe je tot de keuze bent gekomen voor deze studie en minder over de motivatie waarom je deze studie wilt volgen.
Verder heb ik ook nog enkele punten (rood gekleurd) aangegeven die je naar mijn idee weg kan laten of beter anders kan omschrijven.

Ik hoop dat je hier iets mee kunt.
Daarnaast ga ik er van uit dat je ook iets met de opmerkingen van Maarten_W doet.

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door FlorentiaD Bekijk bericht
Ik heb voor mijn studie een motivatiebrief gemaakt. Mijn studie is Engels dus moet ook een Engelse motivatiebrief alleen ze letten dus heel erg op je engels (logisch). Ik wil daarom ook geen fouten in me brief. Wil iemand mijn Engels controleren? Alvast heel erg bedankt !!!

(mijn gegevens)

xxxxx, 29 april 2013

Subject line Nu geef je net aan of het een template van een brief is waar het onderwerp moet komen, kan naar mijn idee af met alleen subject: Application IMEM Afkortingen in een brief zijn meestal niet zo verstandig, misschien kun je hier beter de hele benaming van de studie neerzetten

Dear Sir/Madame,

The reason for writing this letter is because I am interested in the study International Media and Entertainment management. Je geeft hier nu aan dat je geïnteresseerd bent in de studie. Het lijkt mij dat je echter aan wilt geven dat je je graag wilt aanmelden voor de studie

My name is Cynthia xxxx and I am sixteen years old. Right now I am in the 5th year of higher general secondary education with the profile Economy & Society. My subjects are Dutch, English, Management & Organization, History, Biology, MathMathematics and Economics.
"I do not think school was hard. A lot of studying of course, but I can handle it." Van deze zin begrijp ik niet helemaal wat het moet toevoegen aan je verhaal.

I demand a lot of myself so I am determined to pass with a seven as my final grade.

"This is mostly because people stimulate me to get better. When people want something and really go for it, they also have influence on me. There is something about their determination that makes me want to say: I want to have a goal." Ook dit stuk is naar mijn idee wat onduidelijk omschreven.
Bedoel je niet iets in de zin van: During my study I was always inspired by people that have a clear goal and are determined to reach that goal. These people stimulated me to find a such a goal for myself.

Then the thinking started, what do I want to do with my life? I never really thought about it. Of course, there were those moments when you thought: Why can I not choose between all these jobs and studies? I hated it though. Not knowing what I wanted to do. I did a lot of research about studies and the school. I also went to a lot of open days Hier zou je ook nog information days van kunnen maken.

In the beginning it did not help because after everything I still did not know it. I just did not have that ‘wow’ feeling. Then the talking came, because I realized I could not do it myself and asked for help. The careers counselor and I made a list of things I liked and one of the studies that came out was International Media and Entertainment management. At first sight I never heard about it. Then I went to the open day of NHTV and then I knew it. I want this. I finally had that ‘wow’ feeling. That is what caught me. To make sure it was not temporarily I went to the orientation day of IMEM and again to the open day. I was right, it was not temporarily. Bij dit stuk en het voorgaande stuk geef je naar mijn idee te veel aan hoe jij tot de keuze gekomen bent. De keuze kun je volgens mij korter omschrijven en je daarnaast beter focussen op waarom deze studie jou een 'wow' factor geeft. Denk hierbij aan dingen die je hebt gedaan/gezien tijdens de open dagen en oriëntatie dag.

IMEM requires a lot of creativity and another way of thinking. Thinking out of the box. Also IMEM is like this large basic.
You have the knowledge about marketing about financing and it’s also a real creative study so you will learn things like working with Photoshop but in the end it’s aimed at management. I want to have that knowledge. Probeer dit stuk te koppelen met de 'wow' factor die jij hebt over de studie, zodat je laat zien dat de studie goed bij jouw past.

My drive for this study is the knowledge. I want to learn. I want to get better and better and keep learning. Especially about things I like. Deze zinnen zijn naar mijn idee niet echt zinnig. Volgens mij wil iedereen die een nieuwe studie gaat doen, nieuwe kennis en vaardigheden opdoen in een kennisgebied waar zijn/haar interesses liggen

"But the big question is, does this study really fits me? I really do love being creative and being in this whole fantasy world of mine. Visualizing every detail and wanting so badly to let it become reality. This might be the production/concept part. I also love being in control. Even though there’s a lot in my life I can’t control. I want to have control over the things I do. Knowing why I do things, when and how. I want to make sure every move I make is calculated but I also want to find the balance between following your heart and your mind. So my answer is yes, I think this study fits me." In dit stuk maak je al een koppeling waarom de studie goed bij jouw zou passen. Dit kun je ook gebruiken bij het omschrijven van jouw 'wow' factor.

Wat ik ook nog mis, maar wat misschien niet heel erg van belang is voor een motivatiebrief voor een studie, is waarom je voor deze school/onderwijsinstelling kiest en mogelijk niet voor een ander waar je een zelfde studie kan volgen

I hope this letter convinced you of my motivation and I appreciate your time and effort and would like to thank you for considering my application.

Yours sincerely,
Cynthia xxxx
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Oud 6 mei 2013, 15:55
FlorentiaD FlorentiaD is offline
Geregistreerd: 29 april 2013
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Dankjewel voor je reactie.
Ik heb ook nog samen met mijn lerares mijn motivatiebrief na gekeken en we hebben het samen opnieuw gemaakt.
We hebben ook wat aan de punten gedaan die jij al aangaf.

Voor de mensen die ook nog een Engelse brief moeten schrijven, hier is dan mijn voorbeeld:

xxxx, 3 May 2013

Subject: Application International Media and Entertainment Management

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter because after my graduation I would love to enroll in the International Media and Entertainment Management course at the NHTV. I am sixteen years old. Currently I am taking my havo exams and I expect to graduate this year.

I demand a lot of myself so I am determined to pass with a seven as my final average grade. People in my direct environment that are determined to reach their goals influence me. I would like to think of myself as a person who loves to inspire others as well. Also, I have become very aware of the importance of having a clear and obtainable goal. For now, my main goal is to choose a good college where I can continue finding out who I really am and what kind of person I would like to become, both professionally and personally. I am convinced that the NHTV offers me that education.
I attended one of the NHTV information days and I was sold right away. The students that toured me around were very open and I felt welcome right away. What attracts me most is the opportunity of becoming a creative entrepreneur. I believe this course will equip me with the basic knowledge and skills I need to become successful in this field. At the same time, I will still have the freedom to develop my taste and to discover yet undiscovered talents and professional desires.
I realize that IMEM requires more than just creativity. It also requires creative thinking skills and genuine interest in a business like approach of media and entertainment. I am looking forward to developing these important skills and I am convinced that I will succeed at this.

I understand that a short written motivation does not give you a complete idea of my personality and skills. Therefore I would like the opportunity of telling more about my goals and myself during a personal conversation. I am looking forward to meeting you.

Kind regards,
Cynthia xxxxx
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Oud 6 mei 2013, 18:57
Kopje Koffie Kopje Koffie is offline
Geregistreerd: 21 juli 2011
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Je legt de nadruk iets teveel op jezelf (begint bijna iedere zit met I).

Probeer wat meer verbindingswoorden te gebruiken; therefore etc.

Voor de rest staan er nog wat (grammaticale) fouten tussen.
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Oud 8 mei 2013, 21:44
Takkie1 Takkie1 is offline
Geregistreerd: 8 mei 2013
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Wellicht is het een idee om te schrijven waarom je juist bij dit bedrijf wil gaan werken?
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Oud 13 mei 2013, 16:53
Joost_D Joost_D is offline
Geregistreerd: 13 mei 2013
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Zoals meerdere mensen al hebben gezegd staan er een paar foutjes in, nieteens zozeer grammatisch maar semantische fouten.

Bijvoorbeeld (slechts eentje)

The students that toured me around were very open – moet bijvoorbeeld zijn
The students who provided me with the tour were very forthcoming

Probeer ook inderdaad iets minder te hameren op “I” en stel de zin op een andere manier op. Met een beetje hulp gaat dit echter helemaal goedkomen.
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